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Career Counseling and therapy:
An integrative approach 

At Oliver Drakeford Therapy, we understand that your career is more than just a job – it’s a significant part of your life and identity. Historically, career development and psychotherapy have often been perceived as separate domains. However, this perspective has evolved with the recognition that career choices and development are deeply intertwined with other psychological aspects of an individual's life.


We believe in a holistic approach where we can explore not only your career aspirations but also how they intertwine with your overall well-being. Our goal is to help you navigate through your career journey while also addressing the psychological factors that impact your professional life.

We know that making career decisions or facing workplace challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why we're here to offer a supportive space where you can openly discuss your career goals, fears, and aspirations. Whether you’re transitioning between jobs, recovering from job loss, or seeking a more fulfilling career path, our sessions are tailored to address both your vocational and emotional needs.

Your journey to a fulfilling career and a balanced life is unique, and we’re committed to walking this path with you. By integrating career counseling with psychotherapy, we aim to help you uncover the career that not only suits your skills and interests but also aligns with your personal values and contributes to your overall happiness. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey – we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Specialized Programs for Career Transition

We offer specialized programs tailored to individuals undergoing career changes to support you through these times. This programs are designed to provide personalized guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of career transition with confidence and clarity.

Our approach is centered on understanding your unique circumstances, skills, and aspirations. We work one-on-one with you to develop a clear and actionable plan that aligns with your career goals and personal values. Whether you are considering a new career path, re-entering the workforce, or aiming for advancement in your current field, our programs offer the tools and support you need for a successful transition.

We believe that a successful career transition involves more than just finding a new job; it's about discovering a path that fulfills you both professionally and personally. The goal is to assist you in exploring your strengths, identifying opportunities, and overcoming any challenges you might face along the way. Together, we will work towards building a fulfilling and rewarding career that resonates with your life goals.

Building : Career Coaching Los Angeles

Addressing Vocational and Psychological Health:

Career satisfaction and psychological well-being are intertwined, influencing each other in profound ways. When you face challenges in your professional life, it can have a ripple effect on your personal life and vice versa. Addressing these aspects together can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

Our therapy sessions are designed to explore this connection. We delve into how your career choices, job satisfaction, and workplace challenges affect your mental health. Conversely, we examine how your mental and emotional state can influence your professional life. This approach helps in creating a balanced perspective, empowering you to make informed decisions that enhance both your career and personal life.

Our aim is to provide you with the tools and understanding to navigate the complexities of your vocational and psychological health. Whether you're dealing with job stress, career transition, or seeking greater fulfillment in your work, our therapy sessions are tailored to address these issues in the context of your overall well-being.

AI building representing career coaching los angeles

Navigating Career Decisions and Life Transition

Life transitions, such as changing careers or moving cities, can be times of great opportunity but also of uncertainty and stress.To support you through these times, we offer specialized programs tailored to individuals undergoing career changes. These programs are designed to provide personalized guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of career transition with confidence and clarity.

Our approach is centered on understanding your unique circumstances, skills, and aspirations. We work one-on-one with you to develop a clear and actionable plan that aligns with your career goals and personal values. Whether you are considering a new career path, re-entering the workforce, or aiming for advancement in your current field, our programs offer the tools and support you need for a successful transition.

We believe that a successful career transition involves more than just finding a new job; it's about discovering a path that fulfills you both professionally and personally. The goal is to assist you in exploring your strengths, identifying opportunities, and overcoming any challenges you might face along the way. Together, we will work towards building a fulfilling and rewarding career that resonates with your life goals.

how a career coach in los angeles can help you

Expert Guidance on Career Development and Self-Esteem

Understanding career coaching in los angeles

We believe that career satisfaction and self-esteem are closely linked. When you feel competent and successful in your career, it positively affects your overall sense of self-worth. Conversely, challenges in your career can impact your self-esteem. Our therapy sessions are designed to explore these dynamics, helping you to understand and overcome any barriers to your career satisfaction and self-esteem.

We understand that your work history and career choices are not just about the jobs you've held but also reflect broader aspects of your personality and life experiences. Our therapy sessions aim to encourage you to think about vocational issues in conjunction with your psychosocial and intrapsychic difficulties. This integrated approach ensures that the career choices you make are in harmony with your overall psychological functioning.

In our sessions, we delve into the various aspects of your career development, from exploring your work history and vocational preferences to decision-making and job-search strategies. This comprehensive exploration helps in identifying areas where you may be underutilizing your skills or where low self-esteem might be hindering your career progress. Our goal is to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, both as a professional and an individual, leading to improved job satisfaction and a more fulfilling life.


a text STOP in comics style, colored text, main color is cerulean blue, comics design, fro




a text STOP in comics style, colored text, main color is cerulean blue, comics design, fro


a text STOP in comics style, colored text, main color is cerulean blue, comics design, fro


Discover yourself through career coaching.

Prior to mapping out your future trajectory, it's essential to gain insight into your current self. Rather than immediately delving into your career objectives and the strategies to attain them, your career coach will first invest time in understanding your values, principles, aspirations, and challenges. These discussions with your coach offer valuable opportunities for self-discovery.

Gain clarity and direction for your career with personalized coaching.

Through personalized career coaching sessions, you'll delve deep into understanding your strengths, passions, and aspirations. These sessions provide a supportive environment where you can explore various paths, address any challenges you encounter along the way, and develop strategies to overcome them. 

Career Coaching: Navigating Your Professional Journey

We will not only help you pinpoint your ultimate destination but also breaks down the journey into manageable steps. Beyond just guidance, career coaching serves as a catalyst for action. Many individuals feel overwhelmed by the prospect of making significant professional changes and often remain stagnant without support.

Prepare for Interviews with Confidence

Mastering the art of interviewing is a skill that can be learned, and it all starts with telling your story compellingly. Approach it as a conversation rather than a daunting interrogation. Initial screening meetings often involve video interviews, so it's crucial to learn strategies to calm those nerves and present yourself authentically.

Expert Guidance on Career Development and Self-Esteem

why is career coaching in los angeles

We believe that career satisfaction and self-esteem are closely linked. When you feel competent and successful in your career, it positively affects your overall sense of self-worth. Conversely, challenges in your career can impact your self-esteem. Our therapy sessions are designed to explore these dynamics, helping you to understand and overcome any barriers to your career satisfaction and self-esteem.

We understand that your work history and career choices are not just about the jobs you've held but also reflect broader aspects of your personality and life experiences. Our therapy sessions aim to encourage you to think about vocational issues in conjunction with your psychosocial and intrapsychic difficulties. This integrated approach ensures that the career choices you make are in harmony with your overall psychological functioning.

In our sessions, we delve into the various aspects of your career development, from exploring your work history and vocational preferences to decision-making and job-search strategies. This comprehensive exploration helps in identifying areas where you may be underutilizing your skills or where low self-esteem might be hindering your career progress. Our goal is to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, both as a professional and an individual, leading to improved job satisfaction and a more fulfilling life.


Please feel free to connect using the calendar system in the link below; I'm able to offer 15-minute consultation calls in which I can answer any questions and tell you more about the therapy process.



I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with nearly a decade of experience working with adults, families, parents, and couples. I've coached and guided many clients through a complicated phases of life situations and career changes to great degrees of success using a blend of psychodynamic therapy and skills-based executive coaching. 

Oliver Drakeford Therapy is located in the heart of West Hollywood, serving people living in Los Angeles, Culver City, Beverly Hills and more. We are also able to provide online therapy to people living in California.

Career Coach Los Angeles
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