Comprehensive Depression THERAPY WEST HOLLYWOOD.
What You Need To Know about Depression Therapy
Everyone has bad days, right? And perhaps that's why you did not notice the depression symptoms at first. But looking back, maybe you can see a gradual loss of interest in your usual hobbies and activities, or those 'funky moods' lasting longer, or just more of those bad days in a row. And now, you just want things to go back to how they were before.
Living with depression in Los Angeles is as difficult and challenging as it is for anyone, and with the sun and ocean close by us here in Southern California. Many individuals may experience symptoms that are less overt and may not immediately register as depression or recognize it as one of the most important mental health disorders.
Depression is a complex condition that can manifest in various ways. While it's commonly associated with feelings of sadness and apathy, many individuals may experience symptoms that are less overt and may not immediately register as depression; even severe depression or major depression can go undiagnosed for a long time.
I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been helping people with symptoms of depression for nearly ten years.
Depression is characterized by persistent low mood, a sense of worthlessness, challenges in engaging in daily activities, and overwhelming feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness. It is a highly individualized experience; some individuals have grappled with depression over extended periods, while others may be encountering their initial episodes. Depressive episodes can sometimes be triggered by stressful life events such as job loss, the end of a relationship, or significant life changes. Finding the right depression therapy options in West Hollywood may seem daunting, but taking action, like reading this page, is the first step to recovery.
DO YOU RecognizE the Signs of Depression?
Depressive symptoms manifest differently in each individual, but there are common symptoms to be aware of, including:
Loss of Interest:
You may lose interest in activities that were once enjoyable, making it challenging to engage in your hobbies. You might not notice this, so consider looking back over the past few months and seeing if there are changes.
Feelings of Sadness and Hopelessness:
A prolonged low mood, feelings of worthlessness, and a sense of hopelessness can dominate your thoughts.This might feel to some people like they're just having a bad day, but perhaps you're having more of those in a row and everyday life is getting more challenging.
Lack of Energy:
Fatigue and a lack of energy may make even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming. Getting out of bed in the morning might be particularly challenging.
Changes in Sleep:
Depression can disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or excessive sleeping.
Physical Symptoms:
Unexplained aches, pains, and a feeling of sluggishness may accompany depression. Also weight loss
Difficulty Concentrating:
Focusing on tasks becomes a struggle, making decision-making more challenging.
Guilt and Worthlessness:
Overwhelming feelings of guilt and feelings of worthlessness can erode your self-esteem.
The signs and symptoms of depression are different for everyone but men might express their depression in quite different ways. One way to think about this is to notice changes in the way you think, feel or behave.
There are also physical signs of depression.
Read more about the signs of depression in men here, and in particular therapy for men that is male-centered.
thoughts about being important
considering that some people would be better off without you
that life is not worth living anymore.
your life is not enjoyable
not going out
not managing as well
escaping into work
esaping into TV / sports
using more drugs or alcohol to make it through the day
behaving recklessly
It's common for individuals with depression to downplay their symptoms or feel apathetic about seeking help. Depression can make you forget what it's like to feel normal, and it might seem pointless to get assistance. However, if you've experienced the symptoms of depression for over a month and they interfere with your daily life, it might be time to think about finding a therapist with experience in depression.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy, often associated with talk therapy, originally emerged as a term synonymous with psychoanalysis. It focuses on exploring the underlying emotions and the intricate landscape of personal experiences. In essence, this treatment method aims to generate insight - understanding the emotional and cognitive meanings behind depression and its symptoms.
One notable aspect of psychodynamic psychotherapy is its ability to initiate ongoing change beyond the completion of therapy. Studies indicate that the psychological processes set in motion during treatment continue to yield positive effects even in later follow-up periods. This underscores the importance of self-reflection, self-exploration, and self-discovery within the therapeutic relationship.At the core of psychodynamic psychotherapy is a deeply empathetic and authentic relationship between the patient and therapist. Through a process of self-reflection, patients can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a safe environment. This genuine connection fosters personal growth and facilitates lasting change.
There is a massive misconception about the effectiveness of psychoanalytical informed therapy, particularly with depression and there is a significant body of evidence supporting its efficacy. There are now many studies that have compared the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy to cognitive-behavioral methods and medical interventions. Surprisingly, the results consistently reveal larger effect sizes for psychodynamic therapy. In fact, it outperforms both cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication treatments, either separately or in combination, for depression.
In most of my clients struggling with depression, there is some element of repressed anger involved; you may have heard the expression 'anger turned inwards is depression', and I find that to be partially true in a lot of cases. The mechanism of anger turned inward is where anger directed toward the 'Self' becomes self-hatred, attacking or self-loathing. This internalized attack has an the form of a profound decrease in self-esteem within the individual experiencing depression.
Understanding how anger can turn inward and morph into self-hatred gives us a glimpse into the intricate emotions at play in someone with depression. It's essential for me as a depression therapist to recognize that the low self-esteem evident in individuals with depression is not a direct representation of their inherent worth. Instead, it resonates from unresolved anger and struggles with acknowledging, verbalizing, and expressing emotions.
If I can help a client begin to acknowledge the underlying dynamics that go on underneath depression, we can take steps toward healing. Eventually, I work with individuals with depression to help rebuild their self-esteem and find skills, tools a and support that provide solace and resilience.
depression therapy specialist & THE TYPES OF DEPRESSION
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
This is the most recognized and diagnosed form of depression, it's also one of the more common types. Individuals with MDD experience persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide. These symptoms significantly impact daily functioning and can last for weeks, months, or even years.
There are many different kinds of depression and your therapist will gladly talk you through which one you might be struggling with if you're not certain.
Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
PDD, formerly known as dysthymia, is characterized by a long-lasting low mood that persists for at least two years. While the symptoms of PDD may not be as severe as those experienced in major depressive disorder, they can still have a significant impact on a person's quality of life.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD is a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, typically in the winter months when there is less natural sunlight. Common symptoms include fatigue, increased sleep, weight gain, and a lack of interest in activities. Exposure to sunlight or light therapy can be effective in alleviating the symptoms of SAD
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a type of depression that affects women after giving birth. Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the challenges of adjusting to motherhood can contribute to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are crucial to provide the support and treatment needed by new mothers.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
This is a cyclical, hormone-based mood disorder with symptoms arising a week or two before a period is due, it includes physical and behavioral symptoms that usually resolve with the onset of menstruation.
While not exclusively a form of depression, bipolar disorder involves alternating periods of depression and mania. During depressive episodes, individuals experience symptoms similar to major depressive disorder. Manic episodes, on the other hand, involve high energy levels, euphoria, impulsivity, and a decreased need for sleep.
Bipolar Disorder:
A meta-analysis of 228 studies on depression found that 48% of people in therapy reported a 50% reduction in symptoms after 2 months. The type of therapy they were in didn't seem to produce too much of a difference.
A comprehensive review of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) for depression in routine practice reveals significant findings. At post-treatment, 44% of patients showed significant improvement in depression, including 30% who recovered.
Stress and Depression:
SIn a review by Constance Hammen, it is established that most episodes of major depression are preceded by stressful life events. However, it's noted that most people do not become depressed even if they experience a negative life event.
GEnetics are 50%
A study in Molecular Brain (2010) by S Lee, J Jeong, Y Kwak, SK Park discusses the genetic contribution to depression, estimated at 40-50%. This highlights the significant role of genetics in the development of depressive disorders.
Q1: What are the common symptoms of clinical depression?
Common symptoms of clinical depression include intense and persistent sadness, loss of interest in hobbies or activities, feelings of anger, hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, and changes in eating habits. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please don't delay in reaching out to me or another mental health provider to find professional treatment.
Q2: How can I determine if I need therapy for depression?
If you've experienced the symptoms of depression for over a month and they interfere with your daily life, it's advisable to seek depression treatment. Don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for guidance; they will help you with a diagnosis of depression and are trained to assess this.
Q3: Are there different types of depression, and do they require different treatments?
Yes, there are different types of depression that affect people of all ages, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder. The type of depression you have may influence the treatment approach, so it's essential to consult with a mental health specialist for personalized care. There's a range of studies that discuss mood disorders and which treatment options are more effective. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a solid option, as is psychodynamic interpersonal therapy; there's solid evidence around dialectical behavior therapy too. What might be more important though is how you feel about the therapist when you talk to them.
Q4: Can depression be cured completely?
Depression is often a recurrent condition, but it can be managed effectively with therapy. Many individuals experience significant improvement in their symptoms and can lead fulfilling lives with the right support and strategies.
Q5: How long does depression therapy take to show results?
The duration of depression treatment varies from person to person. It depends on factors such as the severity of your symptoms, your commitment to therapy, and the therapeutic techniques used. Part of the effectiveness of counseling is on me, asking the right questions and thinking about how to help in the right way, and another part is on you, coming to sessions regularly and having a willingness to talk openly about what's going on.
Treatment Programs Available to Treat Depression in California
It's important to understand that if someone is struggling with severe depression and is actively suicidal or really struggling, then once-a-week therapy is probably not the right solution. Mental health professionals have an ethical duty to help you find the level of treatment that is going to be most beneficial.
Sometimes it's helpful to look at levels of care, a term we use in the mental health field to discuss options for treatment. At the top of the pyramid is being hospitalized, surrounded by care, nurses doctors, etc 24 hours a day, and below that amount of care and support you get drops at each level unit you reach me, at the bottom. While I'm able to give individualized attention to clients, it's only for a few hours a week and long-term recovery might require additional resources and attention.
Sometimes it's helpful to look at levels of care, a term we use in the mental health field to discuss options for treatment. At the top of the pyramid is being hospitalized, surrounded by care, nurses doctors, etc 24 hours a day, and below that amount of care and support you get drops at each level unit you reach me, at the bottom. While I'm able to give individualized attention to clients, it's only for a few hours a week and long-term recovery might require additional resources and attention. Heavy substance use disorder, and severe anxiety disorders might respond better with a higher level of care.
Residential Treatment Programs
These are more commonly known as 'rehabs' and requires someone to stay full time at the property for 30-90 days, often the center will treat a variety of mental disorders, usually alcohol addiction. Therapists are on staff to provide mental health services, to monitor mood swings and suicidal ideation and to provide individual and group therapy. The therapeutic approaches in residential treatment centers can be eclectic and confusing, so be sure to understand their treatment program.
A Partial Hospitalization Program
The Partial Hospitalization Program is like other types of outpatients because it requires patients to stay at the center for most of their time there and do some work outside as well. This is common for alcohol addiction and eating disorder treatment so that weight gain can be monitored, and is a great set up for recovery and a healthy lifestyle in the future.
Intensive Outpatient Programs
Intensive outpatient programs are designed to treat people who suffer from depression. Patients will typically see a therapist three times per week, as well as participate in local support groups and individual therapy sessions. Treatment time for IOP patients is usually four hours each day with some opting for up to twelve hours of treatment each weekday.
Outpatient Treatment Programs
There are three types of outpatient treatment programs available at a treatment center, these programs provide varying levels of care according to the amount of time needed in therapy. The different outpatient treatments include:
1) A short-term program that lasts for 8 weeks and requires patients to attend weekly sessions;
2) A long-term program that lasts 12 or 18 months and requires patients to attend monthly sessions; and
3) An extended stay Program, which allows patients full access to all therapies offered at the center, including group meetings, holistic treatments, and individual therapy appointments outside of regular hours.